Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2, Plant 2
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Other Information
Additional +1 bonus per 3 caster levels above 3rd, so caster level/bonus: 3rd (+2), 6th (+3), 9th (+4), 12th (+5). Rangers cannot cast this spell until 8th level, so their minimum bonus is +3.
An okay spell that increases in strength as you advance in level. It has a fairly short duration though, which makes it hard to cast far in advance. It's one of the few early-level spells that Druids/Rangers get to increase their AC, which makes it a decent choice. You may want to instead cast Cat's Grace, though; +4 Dex still generally means +2 AC, in addition to a bonus on initiative, Reflex saves and skill checks, although it has a shorter duration. Cat's Grace wouldn't work when flat-footed, but Barkskin doesn't work against touch attacks, so they're equal there. In fact, unless your armor would make additional Dex useless, I would prepare Cat's Grace instead of Barkskin. Once you reach higher level though (12th minimum), +5 natural AC for a 2nd level spell that lasts 2 hours is a nice use of a low-level slot.
Keep in mind though, that Barkskin is inferior to Mage Armor in almost every way. Mage Armor lasts longer, is a force effect (works against incorporeal attacks), is a lower level spell, and provides a better bonus to AC up until a Druid/Ranger is 12th level. If you have a source of Mage Armor in your party, you may be able to do without Barkskin.
Recommended for Druids?
No. Use Cat's Grace instead. Barkskin is good at higher levels though.
Recommended for Rangers?
No. Use Cat's Grace instead. Barkskin is good at higher levels though.
Recommended as a scroll?
No. A scroll of Barkskin will only be +2 natural AC for 30 minutes, while a less-expensive scroll of Mage Armor will be +4 AC for 1 hour. If you have no arcane casters - or Rogues who can use a 1st-level scroll - I still wouldn't waste the money on a minor bonus.