
Level: Clr 2
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous

Other Information
Minimum success rate is 73% at level 3, and 90% at level 20.

  • Can prevent disastrous decisions when facing an unknown or dangerous dilemma.

  • Long casting time.
  • Costly material component.
  • If you get the “nothing” result you don't know if it was the consequence of an actual "nothing" result, or a failed spell attempt.

  • This 2nd level spell completely defeats the Deck of Many Things. Memorize it as many times as you can, and then Augury the results of drawing a single card. If the result is Woe, then don't draw any. If it's Weal, then cast the spell again, and check the results of drawing two cards. Simple and immensely game-breaking, but legal.

    A simple, low-level scrying spell. It can help you choose which path to go down while exploring, or whether or not to attack someone, etc. You'll almost always find a use for it. Unfortunately, the minute casting time prevents you from using it in clutch situations - you can't cast it in battle to Augury if casting a Fireball is a good idea, for instance.

    Recommended for Clerics?
    Yes. Augury is a very nice utility spell. You should find be able to use it on most days. A heavily combative Cleric (or one in a heavily combative group) may find combat buff spells more useful, though.

    Recommended as a scroll?
    Yes. Quite often you'll come across a situation where you want to do something out of curiosity, but common sense is telling you not to. (Pull a switch, take the unusually expensive statue in the middle of the room, open the innocent-looking treasure chest, etc.) Augury may or may not give you a clear answer on what you should do, but it never hurts to get a hint.