Level: Clr 2
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Other Information
Minimum success rate is 73% at level 3, and 90% at level 20.
A simple, low-level scrying spell. It can help you choose which path to go down while exploring, or whether or not to attack someone, etc. You'll almost always find a use for it. Unfortunately, the minute casting time prevents you from using it in clutch situations - you can't cast it in battle to Augury if casting a Fireball is a good idea, for instance.
Recommended for Clerics?
Yes. Augury is a very nice utility spell. You should find be able to use it on most days. A heavily combative Cleric (or one in a heavily combative group) may find combat buff spells more useful, though.
Recommended as a scroll?
Yes. Quite often you'll come across a situation where you want to do something out of curiosity, but common sense is telling you not to. (Pull a switch, take the unusually expensive statue in the middle of the room, open the innocent-looking treasure chest, etc.) Augury may or may not give you a clear answer on what you should do, but it never hurts to get a hint.