Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Unlimited
Effect: Magical sensor
Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Other Information
Travels at either 30 feet per round if moving normally, or 10 feet per round if examining surroundings. Sees exactly as the caster would if they were present.
A very useful spell for cautious spellcasters. The sensor lasts long enough to quickly scout a large area or more carefully inspect a decent-sized area. Since it is invisible, it is essentially undetectable, and since no hit points or AC is given I assume it cannot be harmed. In any sort of dangerous area, it's always a safe move to send out an Arcane Eye and poke around to detect enemies, traps, areas of interest, etc. The long casting time is a minor drawback, since if you have the time to be scouting, you can afford to sit around while you check things out. This spell is most useful in wide open or natural areas, where the sensor won't get restricted by solid barriers, but even in most dungeons there will be enough space under a normal door for the sensor to slip through.
Recommended for Sorcerers?
Yes. It's a good spell that provides you with more useful knowledge than traditional scrying spells like Augury or Clairaudience/Clairvoyance. Expending a Dimension Door or Ice Storm usage to fully and accurately inform your entire party of all the upcoming threats and dangers is a very good trade-off.
Recommended for Wizards as an initial spell choice?
Yes. It's a good spell that provides you with more useful knowledge than traditional scrying spells like Augury or Clairaudience/Clairvoyance. Expending a Dimension Door or Ice Storm usage to fully and accurately inform your entire party of all the upcoming threats and dangers is a very good trade-off. If you do not take it as an initial spell, you should scroll-scribe it as soon as you get the chance.
Recommended as a scroll?
Wizards should have the spell available, but Sorcerers who don't select Arcane Eye would always find a few scrolls useful (or even a wand).