Animate Object


Level: Brd 6, Chaos 6, Clr 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: One Small object per caster level; see text
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Other Information
Medium object counts as 2 small ones; large object counts as 4; huge counts as 8; gargantuan counts as 16; colossal counts as 32.

  • No save or SR (similar to a Summon Monster spell)
  • Versatile - can animate many smaller objects or a few large ones.
  • Repeating effects in multiple rounds with no further effort required.
  • Can be made permanent.
  • Objects keep whatever hardness it had before casting.

  • Short duration.
  • Cannot target magical objects or objects carried/worn by a creature.

  • You could get someone to craft you a custom object to animate, and depending on what shape the object is, it gets access to certain abilities (fabric-shaped objects can fly, objects with multiple legs move faster, etc.)
  • If you're somehow caster level 32 you can animate a colossal object and have some fun with it.

    You can have some fun with this spell; animated books, chairs, tables, brooms - it's just like the Disney movie Fantasia. However, in terms of actual practical use, a Summon Monster spell is much better - you get to choose what kind of creature you get, which at that level will have special abilities (animated objects have none). Also, you don't need anything to cast the spell. To cast Animate Object you need appropriate objects available. In combat, animated objects have horrible AC and deal very little damage. For instance, at 16th level you can animate a gargantuan object, which has about 150 hp, but only 12 AC, and only deals 12-26 dmg. Definitely not worth a 6th level slot. It might have been useful if it had a longer duration.

    Note: the one excellent advantage of animated objects is that they retain their natural hardness. Mithral (hardness 15) and adamantine (hardness 20) objects make good targets to animate, simply because they become very hard to destroy.

    Recommended for Bards?
    No. Definitely not.

    Recommended for Clerics?
    No. Might be useful in specific situations, though.

    Recommended as a scroll?
    No. I would just sell or trade one if I found one.