Animate Rope

Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One ropelike object, length up to 50 ft. + 5 ft./level; see text
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Other Information
The length of rope you can animate depends on its thickness - you can animate quite a long length of very thin cord or wire.

  • Ranged touch to entangle someone in the rope.
  • Grants small bonus to Use Rope checks when using the affected rope.

  • Cannot animate objects carried or worn by a creature.
  • Short duration.

  • The skill bonus on Use Rope checks blends well with a Bard, since they get Use Rope as a class skill, but Sorcerers and Wizards can still cast this spell and then let the party Rogue use the rope. Use the +2 bonus to get a higher check result to make sure you tied someone up firmly, secured that grappling hook safely, etc.
  • Great for escaping or running away. Make a trip line that lets you pass safely but rises up to trip anyone chasing you. Very sneaky and hard to detect, especially if your pursuers are too busy chasing you to notice you tossing a rope to the ground. Or, entangle someone and then run away, because entangled creatures cannot run.
  • Can be used as a medium range tool. If you can get the rope near an specific object, you can make it loop itself around the object and affect it (grab a key, pull a lever, tug a chair leg, etc.)
  • Use against a spellcaster to entangle them and force them to make Concentration checks. Escaping the rope requires either a strength check or an Escape Artist check, neither of which spellcasters tend to be strong at.

    A good 1st level spell that has a variety of uses. Rope is something used virtually every adventure, and from a single spell you get a general-purpose skill bonus, a tool for escaping, and an offensive threat. Being entangled is not deadly, but it is a hassle.

    Recommended for Bards?
    Yes. Since Use Rope is a class skill, you can bolster an already-high skill check even higher with this spell. Mischievous Bards might get a lot of use out of the "tool" function of the spell, or contribute offensively (something Bards have difficulty doing) by entangling an enemy. A good multi-function spell that almost any Bard will get good use of.

    Recommended for Sorcerers?
    Varies. If your party already has someone skilled in rope usage, you can probably pass on this spell, since you don't get very many. You should also have other spells to contribute directly in combat, where as a Bard doesn't have that luxury. However, if your party doesn't have anyone skilled in rope usage, you may need to bite the bullet for the party's sake and take this spell. Hopefully later this will let you feel a bit more confident when climbing a rope down a huge cliff...or at least, the others in your party can feel more confident, since you should be using a Levitate or Fly spell.

    Recommended for Wizards as an initial spell choice?
    Varies. If your party already has someone skilled in rope usage, you can probably pass on this spell, since you don't get very many. You should also have other spells to contribute directly in combat, where as a Bard doesn't have that luxury. However, if your party doesn't have anyone skilled in rope usage, you may need to bite the bullet for the party's sake and take this spell. Hopefully later this will let you feel a bit more confident when climbing a rope down a huge cliff...or at least, the others in your party can feel more confident, since you should be using a Levitate or Fly spell.

    Recommended as a scroll?
    Yes. It's inexpensive, and when you're in a life-or-death situation (such as tying a rope needed to climb down a cliff) you want that Use Rope check to be as high as possible.