Level: Sor/Wiz 7
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As Arcane Sight, except you know exactly which spells or magical effects are active instead of just their auras.
A good defensive spell. Since you instantly know all the active spells on creature & objects within sight, you can make an instant reaction based on your new knowledge. It could be as basic as warning your allies about the Fire Shield spell a Wizard has on, or preparing a plan to deal with the weird greatsword that has overpowering necromancy emanating from it. Like Arcane Sight, you can still learn if a creature is capable of casting spells or has spell-like abilities, and you can still discern the power of these spells/abilities.
Recommended for Sorcerers?
Yes. At high levels, virtually everything encountered is magical to some degree. Knowing which spells or effects you are facing can be a huge advantage, since by the time you can cast this spell you have a lot of magical power in your arsenal to counter with.
Recommended for Wizards as an initial spell choice?
Yes. At high levels, virtually everything encountered is magical to some degree. Knowing which spells or effects you are facing can be a huge advantage, since by the time you can cast this spell you have a lot of magical power in your arsenal to counter with. This is a good spell to memorize on pretty much any day when you might be exploring, or in combat.
Recommended as a scroll?
Yes, if you don't have it as a regular spell. If you do, then you probably won't need a scroll.