Animate Plants

Level: Drd 7, Plant 7
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: One Large plant per three caster levels or all plants within range; see text
Duration: 1 round/level or 1 hour/level; see text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Other Information
Minimum caster level is 13th, which gets you 4 large plants. A huge plant counts as 2 large plants; gargantuan counts as 4; colossal counts as 8. Alternate entangling spell function.

  • No save or SR (similar to a Summon Monster spell) OR entangling effect unaffected by SR.
  • Versatile - can create animated plants OR entangle an area.
  • Versatile - can animate many smaller objects or a few large ones.
  • Repeating effects in multiple rounds with no further effort required.
  • Entangling effect has a long duration.
  • Easier to animate larger plants than it is to animate equally-large objects (using Animate Object)

  • Regular version has a short duration.
  • Unlike Animate Object, plants do not have the hardness that normal objects have.
  • Cannot affect nonliving vegetable material.

  • Obviously this spell is most useful in a plant-filled area such as a forest or jungle.
  • The entangle effect is not super strong, but it is a nice alternate function. It is essentially the same as the level 1 Entangle spell, except that it lasts 1 hour per level.

    This spell is deadly when surrounded by plants, and virtually useless when not. A Summon Nature's Ally spell is generally more useful, as you get to choose the creature you summon, and you don't require appropriate plant targets. Animated plants also don't get have the hardness of objects, which is a significant drawback. However, the ability to animate very large plants is a very nice feature; as soon as you can cast the spell, you are able to animate a gargantuan Plant. Like an animated gargantuan object, it only has about 150 hp, 12 AC, minimal hardness (if any) and only deals 12-26 dmg, but no hardness. But since you can get it three levels sooner than a gargantuan animated object, it's can be a worthwhile trade-off.

    Finally, the entangle effect is always nice to have on hand. It's not super great, as it's essentially the level 1 Entangle spell with a longer duration, but that duration makes it a good way to delay pursuers or set ambushes.

    Recommended for Druids?
    Yes. Obviously, your surroundings will influence whether to take this spell or not. But if you are in an area with big plants, it's a good choice.

    Recommended as a scroll?
    No. You probably won't unexpectedly come across a giant plant that you need to animate for a few rounds.