Level: Animal 7, Drd 8
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: Up to one willing creature per level, all within 30 ft. of each other
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: None; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Other Information
Earliest possible level to cast this spell is 15th for Druids, which guarantees a minimum of 15 hours duration and 15 possible targets.
A great way to turn a group of non-melee characters into ferocious combatants, or go the opposite direction and use it for stealth or escape. Since targets gain the physical scores of the animal form, it doesn't matter if they are originally feeble and clumsy. Listed below are some possible choices. Depending on what books you use in your group, you may find other animals that are better choices.
Some good combat choices: Deinonychus (4HD), Dire Lion (8HD), Dire Tiger (16HD), Triceratops (16HD), Tyrannosaurus (18HD), Roc (18HD), or any of the Swarm forms. Take advantage of irregular terrain - take aquatic forms to fight pirates or Sahaugin, or take winged forms if you're atop mountain peaks. This will make the battle safer for you (no risk of drowning/falling) and also aid you tactically, since your opponents will now be at severe disadvantages.
For stealth or escape, Cheetahs move 50 feet a round or can sprint once per hour to move 500 feet. Eagles have a fly speed of 80 feet.
Note: Your DM may disallow all kinds of dire animals completely. It is up to his or her discretion.
Recommended for Druids?
Yes. The diverse uses for Animal Shapes make it a safe bet when choosing spells for the day. Combat, disguise, survival, even just routine travel, all can be accomplished with this spell.
Recommended as a scroll?
Yes. Animal Shapes is very capable of single-handedly saving your entire party from a situation gone wrong, so it is worth keeping a scroll available for rough times.