Level: Brd 2, Drd 2, Rgr 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One Tiny animal
Duration: One day/level
Saving Throw: None; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
Other Information
A very nice spell to have available if you find yourself imprisoned. The material component is relatively easy to come by - a piece of corn, a beetle, or a bit of grain would do the job for many animals. The long duration is nice, giving the animal the necessary time to travel and then to wait for someone to notice its message. If cast on a fast animal such as a bird, it can be used to deliver fast messages, such as alerting a city of an oncoming army. Finally, a scout-type character far ahead might find it useful to deliver a message back to his allies without actually backtracking the distance himself.
In a town of decent size, there are probably city officials who have this spell available to use for communication with people beyond the city walls, or even other cities.
Recommended for Bards?
Maybe. There are better 2nd level spells, but Animal Messenger can completely save your hide if you're locked up in a dirty cell awaiting execution. If you're a mischievous Bard who tends to get himself in trouble, then you might want to take this spell as a precautionary measure. However, most Bards would probably be better off escaping capture with a standard Invisibility spell, or even trying to escape using their other tricks.
Recommended for Druids?
Varies. If you're a prisoner, you should strongly consider memorizing Animal Messenger if you have allies that could come to your rescue. It is a spell that you memorize if you need it, but not on an average day.
Recommended for Rangers?
Varies. If you're a prisoner, you should strongly consider memorizing Animal Messenger if you have allies that could come to your rescue. It is a spell that you memorize if you need it, but not on an average day.
Recommended as a scroll?
No. The most helpful use of Animal Messenger is using it to deliver urgent messages. If you are imprisoned or otherwise incapacitated, chances are your gear - and scrolls - were taken away. Also, scrolls are usually for unexpected, emergency situations, and Animal Messenger is hard to use without preparation. Your powerful Paladin ally might want to rush to your aid, but if he doesn't know there's a sparrow with a note for him at the town well, then he'll never know you are in danger.