Level: Clr 2, Good 2, Luck 2
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Other Information
Bonus on attack rolls and saves against fear, and a small amount of temporary hit points.
A decent buff spell to use on any character who will be making attack rolls, but especially primary melee characters who will need the temporary hit points. If you know beforehand you will be facing something with a fear effect, Aid goes from a decent spell to a good spell. Once again, primary melee characters benefit the most, since they likely have low Will saves to begin with. Also versatile as a last resort temporary healing spell.
Recommended for Clerics?
Yes. Always a good choice if going up against opponents with a fear effects, but even if not, still a dependable buff spell or backup healing spell. Mostly a good choice because by memorizing a single spell you can fulfill various needs.
Recommended as a scroll?
No. Although this spell has multiple effects, there are other, lower-level spells that will accomplish a single effect more effectively. Bless (1st) will give all of your allies the +1 on attack rolls, Resistance (0th) will grant a +1 bonus on all saves, and Cure Light Wounds (1st) will heal about the same hit points, but for good, not temporarily. Aid is worth memorizing because your spells per day are limited. Your scroll choices are not, so it's better to just carry a few different, less-expensive scrolls that can accomplish the same as a scroll of Aid.