Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 min./level (D)
Other Information
You gain physical attributes (natural armor, natural attacks, natural size, movement capabilities, racial skill bonuses, racial feats. You do not gain extraordinary special attacks, special qualities, spell-like abilities, etc. Worn equipment remains active if still applicable. Minimum duration is 30 minutes (3rd level caster).
A superb spell. Extremely versatile and with a little research, almost always helpful in some way. The key to efficiently using this spell is knowing exactly what you can turn into, before you need to use it. Some good choices (from core sources) for humanoids are Lizardfolk (+5 natural AC, natural weapons of 2 claws and a bite, and racial feat Multiattack) or Troglodyte (+6 natural AC, natural weapons of 2 claws and a bite, and racial feat Multiattack). For swimming, Locathahs have +3 natural AC and a Swim speed of 60 feet.
Outsiders (Aasimar, Tiefling, etc.) get some great choices; Lantern Archon or Quasits for perfect flight, Formian Warrior for +5 natural AC and four natural attacks (sting, 2 claws, bite), Ravid for +10 natural AC (but only one hand, and no flight), Juvenile Tojanida for +10 natural AC and swim 90 ft., etc.
Recommended for Bards?
Yes, although it depends on your role in your party. Almost anyone will find being able to suddenly improve their natural AC or improve/alter their natural movement speed a useful function. Mischievous Bards might greatly appreciate being able to change shape to escape capture.
Recommended for Sorcerers?
Yes. Almost anyone will find being able to suddenly improve their natural AC or improve/alter their natural movement speed a useful function. Even a pure blaster Sorcerer wouldn't complain about having a Troglodyte's +6 natural AC. Can be a great help for intimidation or diplomatic attempts, as well.
Recommended for Wizards as an initial spell choice?
Yes. Almost anyone will find being able to suddenly improve their natural AC or improve/alter their natural movement speed a useful function. Even a pure Enchanter or Illusionist wouldn't complain about having a Troglodyte's +6 natural AC. Can be a great help for intimidation or diplomatic attempts, as well.
Recommended as a scroll?
Yes. Even if you don't use the combat techniques, or use it to sneak around or hide, or intimidate prisoners, Alter Self is incredibly useful for the movement capabilities alone. Trapped in a collapsing tower? Turn into something with burrowing and dive into the ground. Aboard a sinking ship? Turn into something that can breathe water. About to fall off a high cliff? Turn into something with wings. You should always have Alter Self (and the knowledge of what forms you can take) available.