Analyze Dweomer

Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: One object or creature per caster level
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None or Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: No

Other Information
The minimum level to cast Analyze Dweomer is 16th level for Bards, 12th for Sorcerers, and 11th for Wizards. If used on a magic item, you learn the item's functions, charges, and how to activate its functions, but this doesn't allow you to use an item you wouldn't normally be able to use.

  • Each round can examine new object or creature as free action.
  • Only have to be able to see the object or creature to examine it.
  • If you examine a creature or an unattended object, it gets no save and no SR.

  • Attended objects receive a Will save if the holder wants.
  • Doesn't work on artifacts.

  • Analyze Dweomer + Dispel Magic. Use Analyze Dweomer to see what defensive or buff spells a foe might have, and then you can decide if it's worth trying to dispel them. You also learn the caster level of any active spells, which helps you estimate if a Dispel Magic will succeed.

    A good defensive aid, Analyze Dweomer can tell you whether the wand on an evil Wizard's belt is a wand of Rope Trick or a wand of Disintegrate. You can then take the appropriate defensive actions based on what they have at their disposal. It can also be used to understand the dangers of a magical trap. Of course, it's always useful for simply identifying magical items found during an adventure. It has a 1,500 gp focus cost, but it isn't used up, unlike Identify's 100 gp material component. A good spell, but maybe not worth a 6th level slot.

    Recommended for Bards?
    No. Bards only get four 6th level spells and you will probably need the slots for life-saving spells, where as Analyze Dweomer is helpful but not essential.

    Recommended for Sorcerers?
    No. While Sorcerers could follow it up with Dispel Magic, the 6th level spell slot is expensive. With a little foresight and knowledge of standard buff spells, you can usually guess when a Dispel Magic is needed. However, if you are a utility Sorcerer who focuses on defensive utility, you may wish to take Analyze Dweomer so you can examine an opponent's magical equipment and warn your party of potential hidden dangers. For indentifying magical items, just pack a few scrolls of Identify for those important items that you might need immediately.

    Recommended for Wizards as an initial spell choice?
    No, but worth scribing. Since it won't always be needed, you probably won't memorize this on a daily basis. But if you know you are headed into a high-magic area (such as a Wizard's lair/laboratory) or are going to fight a strong equipment-wearing opponent (that will have magical gear) then it can be worth memorizing. For identifying gear, you may be better off with Identify, trading a bit of extra component cost for a precious 6th level slot.

    The mass-Identify use is extremely useful (and cost-efficient) after an adventure, when you have time to memorize whatever spells you need. Even if you only use it once a month, you might as well have it since you have unlimited spells known. For identifying gear on the fly, Identify will also do the job. If you do actually find a horde of gear, use Identify on whatever you may need right then and there, and pack the other items away for later inspection.

    Recommended as a scroll?
    Yes for defensive use, No for identification. Since most of the time you won't need it, using a spell slot on it can go wasted. But when you really need to inspect that magic trap or super-strong evil Wizard, it is always helpful. For treasure identification, Wizards should have the spell in their spellbook and so won't need a scroll. For anyone else, a scroll of Analyze Dweomer costs 1,650 gp, and lasts for 11 rounds (11 items). However, a scroll of Identify costs 125 gp. It's actually cheaper to buy 11 Identify scrolls (1,375 gp).