Astral Projection

Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9, Travel 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: Touch
Targets: You plus one additional willing creature touched per two caster levels
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Other Information
Minimum caster level is 17th. You can only bring willing creatures with you to the astral plane. You are killed if your silver cord is broken or if your body on the material plane is destroyed. If your astral body or a body formed on another plane is slain, you simply awaken in your material body unharmed.

  • No duration.
  • Lets you freely explore other planes.
  • Lets you interact or fight creatures native to the astral plane.
  • You are able to take many other creatures with you to the astral plane.

  • Long casting time.
  • Expensive material components.
  • Any other creatures brought along depend on you for survival; if something happens to you, they are helplessly stranded and cannot travel.

  • The bodies left behind on the material plane are in suspended animation, which means that any ongoing negative effects that worsen over time (such as diseases, poisons, etc.) are suspended as well. In desperate situations you can use this to stop time for someone while others fetch a cure or remedy to their illness.
  • If facing something that can shift between the astral and material plane, it is good strategy to have allies on both planes so that no matter where it shifts to, there are combatants waiting to fight it. Many creatures who are capable of this rely on their plane-shifting for surprise attacks, and if denied this ability are weak on their own.
  • When your astral form is destroyed, you awaken in your material body without any harm. If facing severe danger while on the astral form, such as a creature who can sever a silver cord, you might consider committing suicide by destroying your astral form. Sometimes it is better to end the spell and go back to the material plane rather than take the chance of permanent death via silver cord destruction. If you can go out in a bang (such as casting a Fireball at your feet) you might manage to take out the threat as well.

    There's not many spells to compare this to. Obviously it's a key spell for certain situations. Most of the time you probably won't ever need it, but when you're almost epic level you're probably doing more than just crawling around through caves and dungeons. It is essential that you ensure your material bodies are safe when you cast this spell; otherwise a single kobold thief can come along and coup de gras your entire party. Underhanded casters can convince someone to come along for the trip, and then once on the astral plane, strand them there, perhaps holding them hostage?

    The spell is vague on many details that may arise; for instance, your astral or other-planar forms are new bodies with all of your equipment. Are expendable items still expended when you return to the material plane? What about if you find something on, say, the plane of fire that you want to bring back with you - does it come back? And what exactly CAN sever a silver cord? (This is probably in the Dungeon Master's Guide, but I don't know where it would be.) If you plan on using this spell, it might be a good idea to check with your DM beforehand and make sure these questions are sorted out before they arise.

    Recommended for Clerics?
    Situational. You definitely shouldn't waste a memorized slot on this each day. The casting time alone makes it clearly a spell you will only memorize and cast when you have specific plans.

    Recommended for Sorcerers?
    No. You'll hardly ever use it, and wouldn't you rather use your 9th level slots on more useful spells? This is definitely a spell for those with unlimited spell selections.

    Recommended for Wizards as an initial spell choice?
    Initial, no. Scroll-scribe, maybe. If you plan on making frequent trips to other planes, then scroll-scribe this spell. If not, then don't bother.

    Recommended as a scroll?
    No, unless you definitely know that you'll soon have to go to the astral plane.