Antimagic Field

Level: Clr 8, Magic 6, Protection 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 ft.
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you
Duration: 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: See text

Other Information
Minimum caster level is 15th for Clerics (lasts 2 hours, 30 minutes), 12th for Sorcerers (lasts 2 hours) or 11th for Wizards (lasts 1 hour, 50 minutes).

  • Extremely effective spell with many defensive and offensive uses.
  • No save, no SR (except against summoned creatures).
  • Mobile area of effect.
  • Long duration.

  • Must be centered on the caster.
  • Affects your magical abilities/items as well as the enemy's.

  • A great spell to cast as a readied action when facing magical attacks.
  • Extend Spell: If you are exploring a dungeon or area with this spell always active, +1 spell level for twice the duration is a good cost.
  • Widen Spell: Doubling the effective area is a nice way to affect enemies without needing to get too close, which is worth the +1 spell level.
  • Use this spell to help allies who do not rely on magical effects for their strengths. Barbarians can still rage and Fighters still have their feats. Rogues are not greatly affected since they can use their skills to avoid detection and make their way around without magic, and they can still sneak attack. Most of a Monk's combat abilities are extraordinary abilities, and are not affected by Antimagic Field.

    A great spell with many, many uses. The simplest function is to provide total protection from harmful magical effects. It can also be used to negate a powerful magic-user (or creature with dangerous spell-like/supernatural abilities). Unfortunately, chances are your party will have some good magical gear by the time you can cast Antimagic Field, gear which will be neutralized by the field. Also, keep in mind that when using this spell, your magical abilities are also suppressed. Since it is a high-level spell, anyone able to cast this spell will almost always be a primary spellcaster, which is a severe drawback. Make sure your non-magical allies can protect you if you decide to use this spell, since when it's active, you are essentially helpless. A Cleric who is strong in melee can be very effective with this spell. A Sorcerer or Wizard might actually find this spell more hazardous than helpful.

    Recommended for Clerics?
    Yes. You can use it to shield yourself and a wounded ally, or get up close with an enemy spellcaster, bashing them down while they're helpless. You won't get any magical protection either, but at least you'll still benefit from your armor.

    Recommended for Sorcerers?
    Depends. Despite its strengths, it makes you completely useless. If you are comfortable providing your allies with defensive support for an entire encounter, then it's a great spell, allowing you to take out spellcasters with ease. But if you crave action and hurting your foes, Antimagic Field will probably frustrate you too much to warrant taking it.

    Recommended for Wizards as an initial spell choice?
    Depends. Despite its strengths, it makes you completely useless. If you are comfortable providing your allies with defensive support for an entire encounter, then it's a great spell, allowing you to take out spellcasters with ease. But if you crave action and hurting your foes, Antimagic Field will probably frustrate you too much to warrant taking it. I would recommend scroll-scribing it, though. It is a great spell to memorize as a precaution when entering areas of high magical threat (a Wizard's castle, a dragon's lair, etc.), as long as you have friends to fight with you.

    Recommended as a scroll?
    Yes. Even if you hate the idea of nullifying your spells, there are times when you might need to do just that to save your life.