Animal Trance

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic]
Level: Brd 2, Drd 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: Animals or magical beasts with Intelligence 1 or 2
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

  • Multiple targets.
  • No set duration, lasts as long as you concentrate.
  • Animals not trained to attack or guard receive no save.

  • No control over targets (closest targets are selected first).
  • Random variable; could control as few as 2HD worth of creatures.
  • Noisy - targets must be captivated by music, singing or chanting.
  • Can only affect targets with Intelligence 1 or 2, which disqualifies many magical beasts.

  • A creative character could use it to simulate a "Pied Piper" effect. Technically fascinated creatures remain still, but your DM would probably allow you to slowly lead the targets if the situation is unthreatening.
  • Maximize Spell: When maximized, you are guaranteed to successfully affect up to a 12HD generic animal (untrained and not a dire version). The 5th level slot is rough though.
  • Mazimize Spell & Empower Spell: As above, except up to 18HD, which means you can confidently use it on Tyrannosaurs or Rocs. However, this bumps the spell slot up to 7th for Druids, and it isn't even an option for Bards. A high price to pay to temporarily neutralize a single target.

    Because generic animals receive no save, and due to this spell's unpredictable effectiveness, Animal Trance works best against simple wild Animals. However, you are rarely in danger from simple wild animals. It might be decent if magical beasts, dire animals and even trained animals only got the Will save, but you ALSO have to roll high enough on the 2d6 HD roll...making this spell too unreliable to take.

    Recommended for Bards?

    Recommended for Druids?
    No, unless you plan on using it to captivate some squirrels or something. Maybe to impress a group of fey?

    Recommended as a scroll?
    No. Too unreliable, and even if you get a high HD roll AND the target fails its save, it's not an instant-win result like Hold Person - the animal still reacts to danger and will probably still eat you after you stop concentrating.