Animal Growth

Level: Drd 5, Rgr 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: Up to one animal (Gargantuan or smaller) per two levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

Other Information
Essentially a tweaked Enlarge Person for multiple animal targets. Minimum caster level is 9th for Druids and Sorcerers/Wizards (four targets) or 14th for Rangers (seven targets).

  • Affects multiple targets with a single casting.
  • No size limitations.
  • The increase size/mass feature of the spell has some minor offensive uses.

  • Short duration.

  • The weight increase has some minor offensive uses. A light pony becomes capable of completely pinning a mighty warrior, or a boat of mounted guards might suddenly find their horses so heavy they're sinking the boat.
  • Cast a Summon Nature's Ally/Summon Monster spell, summoning multiple weaker creatures that are at least medium size, and place them around the battlefield. Then Animal Growth them. Since all the creatures will now be large and have 10 ft. reach, virtually any enemy in the area will be flanked from at least one direction. Most beneficial for helping Rogues get their sneak attacks, but even the generic +2 flanking bonus will come in handy.

    This is an excellent spell for a fighting animal such as a Druid or Ranger animal companion, since every bonus is helpful. Although Sorcerers and Wizards may be tempted to use Animal Growth on their familiar to make it more combat-capable, this is a bad idea. Even with this spell, your little toad or rat won't last long enough in combat to do much, and the potential threat is too high for such minimal gain.

    Recommended for Druids?
    Yes. An animal companion becomes a terrifying combatant with this spell. And if nothing else, you can always use it on a spontaneously-cast Summon Nature's Ally spell.

    Recommended for Rangers?
    Yes. An animal companion becomes a terrifying combatant with this spell. There is only seven 4th level Ranger spells, and assuming you have a fighting animal companion, Animal Growth is easily the most useful.

    Recommended for Sorcerers?
    No, except for Summoners. Unlike a Druid or Ranger, most of the time you won't have an animal ally to cast this on. Your limited spell choices should be spent on spells that you are always able to use. If you specialize in Summon Monster spells though, then Animal Growth is a superb choice, since you can either buff up one strong monster or multiple weaker ones.

    Recommended for Wizards as an initial spell choice?
    No, except for Summoners. Unlike a Druid or Ranger, most of the time you won't have an animal ally to cast this on. Your initial spell choices should be spent on spells that you are always able to use. If you specialize in Summon Monster spells though, then Animal Growth is a superb choice, since you can either buff up one strong monster or multiple weaker ones.

    Note: If you have a Druid or Ranger in your party with an animal companion, then you may wish to scribe this spell from a scroll so you can enhance its combat abilities - especially for a Ranger, since they can't cast Animal Growth until 14th level. It all depends on what your role is in the party

    Recommended as a scroll?
    Yes, for Druids or Rangers, or Sorcerers/Wizards specializing in summoning. It's a very good spell to pre-cast before an important fight, and you may have already expended your spells, or need them for something else. For other Sorcerers/Wizards, it's probably not worth having a scroll of.